What Is Hernia?
The abdominal wall is a sheet of muscle to stop the organs of the abdomen (the intestines) from falling out. When a weakness or tear occurs in this muscle, part of the intestine bulges through and appears as a lump under the skin. In the past, hernias were often called ruptures. They are most common in the groin (inguinal hernias).
Causes of Hernia
Anything that raises the pressure within the abdomen, such as heavy lifting (for example, weights or building materials), coughing, even straining on the toilet, can cause a weakness or tear in the abdominal wall. In addition, vigorous exercise often results in hernias. Sometimes the weakness is already present from birth around the umbilicus (umbilical hernia) in children or under the scar of an operation (incisional hernia).
Symptoms of Hernia
When a hernia first occurs you may have a feeling that something has given way and may experience a little pain. This soon wears off. Later, a lump appears. This doesn't hurt and may get bigger when you cough. Although in most cases hernias just cause discomfort and are a bit of a nuisance, the real worry is that they will strangulate. This means they get stuck and their blood supply is cut off, which requires an emergency operation.
Diagnosis & Treatment
If you suspect you may have a hernia, you should get a doctor to confirm the diagnosis. In the past, trusses where used to keep the hernia in place, but these days it's better to have a simple operation (Hernia Surgery ) to repair the weakness before further problems arise.
Ultrapro Hernia System (UHS)
The ULTRAPRO Hernia System (UHS) is a partially absorbable device used to reinforce or bridge abdominal wall hernia defects by providing permanent support of the abdominal wall during and following wound healing.
The ULTRAPRO Mesh is lightweight, yet strong, flexible and comfortable. It has been reported that the UHS decrease recurrence of hernias rate to less than 0.1% compared to other mesh and techniques which has reported recurrence rates of about 1%.
The advantages of lightweight support include:
A Proven Design with the added advantage of Ultrapro Mesh
ULTRAPRO Hernia System utilizes our ULTRAPRO Mesh technology which:
UHS is designed for consistent deployment & enhanced patient comfort
Reinforced underlay provides complete posterior support. Designed to:
Request For An Appointment
Tay Khoon Hean Surgery is located in the Gleneagles Medical Centre. The clinic and its friendly, caring and dedicated staff offer a comprehensive service in all aspects of General Surgery. The clinic provides a comfortable and warm waiting area with a fully equipped treatment facility for minor surgical procedures.
Clinic Address
Gleneagles Medical Centre6 Napier Road, #08-02Singapore 258499
Contact Information
Tel : +65 6471 1221
Email : tkhsurgery@yahoo.com.sg
24hr Emergency Hotline : +65 6535 8833
Consultation Hours
Mon - Fri : 8:30am - 5:00pm
Sat : 8:30am - 1:00pm
Sun & PH : Closed